Friday 3 August 2012

So Excited!

I am quite proud of myself, i totally forgot about all the food that i ate on Wednesday and just got back to restricting. Normally that never happens, usually i would just say fuck it and keep binging for the rest of the week. I am in no mindset to binge again though. Well for now, anyways. My work trousers fit, a little tight for my liking but at least i am getting there.
Last night, i was up quite late thinking of goals and what i could give myself as treats for reaching them goals. So i feel pretty motivated at the moment.
Also i have booked my first driving lesson for Monday, i am so excited. Ever since i was a little kid, i have wanted to drive. And i got myself a car about a month ago so i am all set, i just need to take some lessons, do my theory and pass my test. Exciting times.
Tomorrow i have work, so it should be quite easy to avoid food. I really want to do a 3 day fast but i am so worried about binging and putting all the weight back on. Oh, nearly forgot to tell you, on Thursday morning after my horrific binge the night before, i thought i would weigh myself to kick myself back into gear. The scale weighed me at 120.4lbs. Not too bad, after all those weeks of non-stop binging and i was pretty bloated. But it's still nowhere near good enough. I just need to get out of the 120's.
I am going to stop waffling on now and let you go.
Love Logan
P.S. Here's some thinspo :)


  1. Yay youuu! I am so pleased that you managed to snap out of the binge and get on track :) you are in such a good mind set, and those little rewards will have you beaming with joy :D good luck with your driving I am sure it will be fine! Much love huni xx

    1. Aww thankyou :). Hope you are doing well too? x x
