Friday 10 August 2012

Butterflies :)

I love that feeling when you get them butterflies in your tummy and you can't help but feel excited but nervous at the same time. I got that feeling today :).
I was at work and suddenly out of the blue, this guy that i really like comes in. My heart starts racing and my hands start shaking. But my face said it all i had this huge ass grin on my face and my eyes must have lit up when he came through the door. I think he was happy to see me though because he had a huge smile across his face too :). But i only got to talk to him for literally 3 seconds because we were so busy at work.
The thing is, i think he may have a girlfriend. People have told me that they have broke up but sometimes i am not so sure. He has a baby with this girl too, which does make things a bit more complicated. I would still date him if the chance ever came up knowing that he had a baby because i know with him it would be a 2 for 1 package. He might be coming to work with us for like one day a week, so i am definitely excited about that. I just really like him and i don't know how to find out whether he likes me too. It's just i have liked him for so long now and i think that if i don't make a move soon, then i am going to regret it.
Anyways, enough about him. Today went really well, i have had a coffee, tea and a tiny fruit loaf slice. I need to start being strict on myself because this weight isn't going to shift itself.
I haven't been to the gym since Monday though, i have been getting really bad period pains, even though i am nowhere near that time of the month. I just get them really early for some reason. But i am planning  on going Sunday morning because tomorrow they shut early and i have work.
I hope all you girlies are doing well too,
Love Logan x x


  1. Aww! Cute-ness - that fluttery butterfly feeling is awesome and and I am so thrilled for you.. I hope something happens between you too. Hey it could be complicated, but everythings complicated these days.. A baby can basically be like an x-box when it comes to guys so if you can deal with a guy who has an x box then you can deal with a guy who has a baby! lol

    Well done on the intake! I like fruit loaf too - woop another fruit loaf eater :) my sister always teases me and says its poo cake.
    Lots of love - stay strong! Xx

    1. Aww thankyou. You are s spot on with the x box lol.
      Yeah everyone tease me too. I think it is amazing stuff ans so filling too :):).
      x x x

  2. Cute, someone else sees boys like that as an opportunity too :D. Few people really want it that way but as for me I'd be thrilled. And butterflies are definitely a good sign.

    Good luck with the challenge, darling <3

  3. Good luck with the boy,
    Hope it works out for you x
